Tips and tricks — sequencer
Electric Furnace, High Electric bills? Read This Post!!
Posted by Darin DeVries on

We are receiving several tech calls for High Electric bills in the summer and wanted to remind people that have an electric furnace to remember to check your furnaces Sequencer!! The sequencer when it get old will stick and hold the contact in making the furnace draw Electricity to the heat elements, So you could be heating and cooling at the same time. If you have: High Electric bills when your not heating your home. Furnace is warm to the touch. Hear clicking in the furnace when the furnace is not operating See an amp draw with the electric test...
- Tags: sequencer
Electric Furnace not performing well? Sequencer helpful tips!
Posted by Darin DeVries on

Hi and welcome to Coleman HVAC Part Store Helpful tips. Each year we see a high number of electric furnace fails in the fall and I wanted to put together some helpful tips so you can better understand your electric furnace. The sequencer is the main brain in operating the electric heat elements in your furnace the sequencer is a series of switches that turn on the heating elements in a sequence one at a time in 30 sec intervals. the sequencer operates with very small heating elements inside them so when the low voltage (24V) from the thermostat comes...