Tips and tricks — Electric Furnace
Mastering Professional Installation and Wiring of the Nordyne 4-7 Wire A/C Relay Box
Posted by Ebin . on

Harnessing the Power of Professional Expertise At HVACpartstore, we understand the importance of professional installation and wiring regarding Nordyne HVAC parts like the 4-7 Wire A/C Relay Box. This critical part plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of air conditioning methods, and providing its proper installation is essential for optimal performance and longevity. In this guide, we'll explore how we can assist in installing and wiring the Nordyne 4-7 Wire A/C Relay Box, providing peace of mind and dependability for homeowners and companies alike. The Significance of Professional Installation Professional Nordyne 4-7 Wire A/C Relay Box installation goes...
- Tags: Electric Furnace
Electric Furnace not performing well? Sequencer helpful tips!
Posted by Darin DeVries on

Hi and welcome to Coleman HVAC Part Store Helpful tips. Each year we see a high number of electric furnace fails in the fall and I wanted to put together some helpful tips so you can better understand your electric furnace. The sequencer is the main brain in operating the electric heat elements in your furnace the sequencer is a series of switches that turn on the heating elements in a sequence one at a time in 30 sec intervals. the sequencer operates with very small heating elements inside them so when the low voltage (24V) from the thermostat comes...