Metal run capacitor USA made 60+5 MFD 370-440V dual oval high quality  POCFD605A

60+5 MFD 370-440V dual oval high quality metal run capacitor USA made

  • $ 46.37
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Heavy duty oval-shaped dual run or start capacitor holds electrical charge to help start motor. 60/5 MFD, 370 or 440 Volts. Replaces 12809, POCD605A TOCD605A, TOCFD605, among others and other brands.

This is a high-quality dual run capacitor that is made in the USA. Motors and compressors are expensive. Why trust them to a cheaper, lesser-quality run capacitor? Run capacitor technology is changing. Capacitors are becoming physically smaller and whether your capacitor is rated at 370 or 440 volts, this capacitor will work for both.

​This Titan HD capacitor is the one used by professionals and technicians because they are reliable and long-lasting. Can size for this capacitor is 1.85" deep x 2.75" wide x 4.75" high. This may be a different physical size (probably smaller) than the capacitor you are replacing and that's perfectly OKAY. Just be sure the MFD's and voltage match up.